Spunky #5: IRQ controller driver
In this article series I illustrate the development of an Ada kernel for Genode named Spunky. The approach is to first successively translate parts from the C++ base-hw kernel and temporarily integrate them with the remaining C++ parts. Once, the whole Kernel made it to Ada, Spunky can be further developed independently to benefit from the characteristics of Ada or even SPARK. This time, I talk about my personal learning curve regarding low-level programing with Ada and the porting of the IRQ controller driver.
You can find the code behind this article on my Github branch. If you're interested in the discussion around Spunky, you may have a look at the Github issue. And finally, this is a list of all articles in this series:
Learning more about Ada low-level programming
In my last article about Spunky I wrote that I remained unsatisfied with my first attempt of driver development in Ada. However, I was most positively surprised about the fast and constructive feedback I received on this article out of the Ada community. People took their time to share their experience with me, to discuss with me. And that enabled me to clean up some of the dirty corners in my drivers that had annoyed me and to improve my programming patterns for future development. Thank you for this!
I think, that it is a good idea to share the outcome of this process here and I will also reference this kind of an update on the topic from my other article. So let's go through the points again:
Accessing components of atomic registers
First, I learned that I was using the wrong aspect for controlling the way of accessing MMIO registers. I used Atomic but Volatile_Full_Access is more appropriate for two reasons:
Unless Atomic, Volatile_Full_Access does not assume that actions on the object must be sequential. It therefore doesn't create synchronization points (this wouldn't be necessary anyway given Spunky's approach of a global kernel lock which renders it practically single-threaded).
Volatile_Full_Access guarantees that each access covers every bit of the object whereas with Atomic, the compiler is allowed to access only part of the object if the object is not referenced as a whole.
Having fixed that, I tried the suggestion to introduce two types for each register that has a bit layout. This was meant to solve conflicts between handling stack copies of registers and the MMIO-related aspects that also applied to these copies. The idea was that one type declares only the components of the register without any aspects or representation clauses. And another type is a derivation of the first, adding the aspects and representation clauses.
This way, stack copies of a register also do not underly any restrictions and can be optimized best by the compiler. At the other hand, the approach adds declarative overhead in the form of an additional type for each register and also questionable runtime overhead whenever one converts between the two types of a register:
type B_Base is record X : Unsigned_8; end record; type B_Register is new B_Base with Size => 64, Volatile_Full_Access; for B_Register use record X at 0 range 16 .. 23; end record; B_Reg_U64 : Unsigned_64 := 16#12345678#; B_Reg : B_Register with Address => B_Reg_U64'Address; -- potentially re-arranges object layout B_Copy : B_Base := B_Base (B_Reg);
So, in a next step, I moved the Volatile_Full_Access aspect to the instantiation of the register and the Size aspect and representation clause to the base type. This way, I can partially access stack copies and don't have the conversion overhead:
type A_Register is record X : Unsigned_8; end record with Size => 64; for A_Register use record X at 0 range 16 .. 23; end record; A_Reg_U64 : Unsigned_64 := 16#12345678#; A_Reg : A_Register with Volatile_Full_Access, Address => A_Reg_U64'Address; -- object layout stays the same A_Copy : A_Register := A_Reg;
At this point, I realized another problem with my approach. From Genode's C++ framework for MMIO I was accustomed to declaring only those parts of the bit layout of a register that are actually defined by hardware and addressed by code. The framework then takes care of initializing, respectively "dragging along" the uncovered parts of the register. However, in Ada, I was unsure whether the language would do that.
From the discussions, I learned that the Ada Drivers Library project uses the approach of fully declaring the bit layout of every used register (including reserved bits) and therefore doesn't have to worry about. The layouts are furthermore written down in the SVD format (an XML-based language) and are then automatically translated into Ada code using the svd2ada tool.
Admittedly, I wasn't very eager to determine the missing parts of the x86 register layouts in base-hw. Even less to port these layouts to XML and add svd2ada as a dependency. So, I did a quick experiment with my partial example layout:
A_Copy_U64 : Unsigned_64 with Address => A_Copy'Address;
Print_U64 (A_Reg_U64); Print_U64 (A_Copy_U64); A_Copy.X := 0; A_Reg := A_Copy; Print_U64 (A_Reg_U64); Print_U64 (A_Copy_U64);
0x12345678 0x12345678 0x12005678 0x12005678
While further playing around with this example, I found that Ada always moved around the whole area defined through the Size aspect regardless of whether the object is set to "full access only" or not (like when creating a second copy of A_Copy). Of course, this holds true only as long as the reference is the whole object. That said, I stayed with this design for now.
Converting between register records and plain integers
This problem arose in a scenario where I have two register addresses given. Writing an identifier to the first address selects which register appears behind the second address. This way, a large amount of registers can be reflected via a very small MMIO area (two times the size of a register).
When I tried to express this in Ada I remained puzzled at first and got stuck with the idea that the second address should reference a plain integer type and that, consequently, I should have to be able to convert the individual register types.
However, I was not aware of the fact that I can just map all individual registers to the same (the second) address. I still have to ensure to access a specific one out of them only after having written the corresponding identifier first. But the need for conversions is gone.
Redundancy when declaring memory layouts
Regarding this issue, I learned that all type/object-related pragmas I know so far can be expressed as aspect directly behind the affected type or object. This renders my code a bit less bloated. For the representation clauses of bit fields, however, there seems to be no other solution than re-writing the whole record.
Dynamic base addresses for MMIO regions
This is a problem that I didn't list the last time. In the meantime, I found at least a working solution and I just wanted to document it here.
Initially, my understanding of the Address aspect was that it defines a static value for the address of an object. This is very useful for declaring MMIO layouts and as, currently, I always test with the same target anyway it's unlikely for addresses to change. Nonetheless, I'm working with virtual addresses that depend on runtime mapping decisions and even on a physical level, addresses are sometimes variable and then be better requested from hardware.
With this problem at hand, I found that Address can also be used with dynamic values. For instance in the x86 timer-device driver I now read out the physical MMIO base of the local APIC from a register and then let the kernel mapping data-bench determine the virtual pendant to it:
type Timer_Device_Type is record ... LAPIC_Virt_Base : Address_Type; end record; function Get_LAPIC_Virt_Address return Address_Type; procedure Initialize (Device : out Timer_Device_Type) ... begin Device.LAPIC_Virt_Base := Get_LAPIC_Virt_Address; ... end Initialize; procedure PIT_Measure_Ticks_Per_MS (Device : in out Timer_Device_Type) is ... Current_Cnt_Reg : Unsigned_32 with Volatile_Full_Access, Address => U64_To_Addr (Device.LAPIC_Virt_Base + 16#390#); begin ... Start_Cnt := Current_Cnt_Reg; ... end PIT_Measure_Ticks_Per_MS;
However, the downside of this approach, so far, is that I have to declare registers locally in each sub-program that uses them. I'm still looking for a less bloated solution, maybe by using generics.
Porting the IRQ controller driver
The IRQ controller object in base-hw represents the CPU-core-local part of the device driver. But there is also some state that is related to the IRQ controller as a whole, independent from the CPU core I'm at. This state is still held in global static variables in the driver class. I normally try to circumvent global statics wherever possible, but this time I procrastinated and just created pendants in the top-level scope of the Ada driver package. Note that, by now, I didn't do any investigation on elaboration code in the kernels Ada runtime (because, presumably, it wasn't needed). So, in order to get the new package-level variables initialized right, I just added another procedure that will be called from the C++ world in the right moment. However, I'll soon have to implement a more elegant solution first in base-hw, and then also in Spunky.
Apart from that, the IRQ controller didn't hold many surprises. I tested on a single-core first and, as had occured before, the interfacing between C++ and Ada gave me some troubles. One has to be very disciplined here. Once fixed, I went to an SMP system which also didn't work directly. The issue was with my old MMIO approach in Ada that I initially applied to the driver. With the new approach applied consistently, SMP now works as well.
In the next article, I will talk about using the GNAT binder for Spunky and porting the CPU device driver.