Creating a captive portal VM for Sculpt
Some 3 years ago, I worked on a minimal and disposable VM for Sculpt that is capable of viewing the landing page of a local network. In many networks, this is necessary in order to gain internet access and therefore even before being able to deploy third-party packages in Sculpt. This article is a briefly polished version of the tutorial I created back then. But it should still apply to newer Sculpt versions. It uses VirtualBox 5 and with TinyCore guest running Firefox.
Before starting, I'd also like to mention some additional recources created by Johannes Schlatow that accompany the tutorial:
Some tooling for remastering TinyCore images at
A documentation of the efforts of applying this tutorial to newer versions of VirtualBox and TinyCore at
If you find any bugs in the tutorial, please report them to me!
Set up TinyCore
Set up a VM
Go to the host shell
sudo apt install virtualbox # we used virtualbox version 5.1.38 wget wget virtualbox &
Go to the VirtualBox window
Create a new VM with network
Type: Linux
Version: Other Linux (64-bit)
HDD: create new, 1G, vdi, dynamic
Start the VM
Select Core-10.1.iso as initial disk of the VM
Prepare hard disk
Go to the VM shell (the following steps were created using
[Enter] # boot to user shell tce-load -wi cfdisk grub-0.97-splash # download extensions cfdisk and grub sudo su # open root shell cfdisk /dev/sda # create partition on hard disk New Primary [Enter] Bootable Write yes Quit
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 # format partition rebuildfstab # re-create file system table mount /mnt/sda1 # mount hard disk
Install grub
mount /mnt/sr0 # mount disk drive mkdir -p /mnt/sda1/boot/grub /mnt/sda1/tce cp -p /mnt/sr0/boot/* /mnt/sda1/boot/ # install kernel, initrd cp -p /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* /mnt/sda1/boot/grub/ # install grub touch /mnt/sda1/tce/mydata.tgz # file for TinyCore backup/restore vi /mnt/sda1/boot/grub/menu.lst # create grub menu config
Go to insert mode: i
Insert this
default 0 timeout 0 hiddenmenu title tinycore kernel /boot/vmlinuz quiet restore=sda1/tce initrd /boot/core.gz
Write and quit: [Esc]:wq
grub root (hd0,0) setup (hd0) quit
Go to the VirtualBox Window
Remove ISO from VM disk drive
Restart VM
Set up GUI and Firefox
Basic set-up of GUI and Firefox
Go to the VM shell
Search: s
Select "xorg-7.7.tcz"
Install: qi
Quit: q
tce-load -wi i3 firefox_getLatest vi /mnt/sda1/tce/onboot.lst
Insert mode: i
Replace firefox_getLatest.tcz with firefox.tcz
Write quit: [Esc]:wq
rm -f /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/firefox_getLatest*' sudo reboot
Check that i3 welcome message appears
[Right-Control]+[F1] # switch to shell pkill Xorg # stop xorg, i3 sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1/bin sudo vi /mnt/sda1/bin/browser # create script to keep Firefox running
Insert mode: i
Insert this
#!/bin/sh while true; do # restart Firefox everytime it gets closed /usr/local/bin/firefox done
Write, quit: [Esc]:wq
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/browser vi /home/tc/.i3/config # configure i3
Insert mode: i
Replace content with this (created using docs/userguide in
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 workspace_bar no # disable i3 bar new_window bb # disable window title and borders exec /mnt/sda1/bin/browser # start our custom browser script
Write, quit: [Esc]:wq
vi /opt/.filetool.lst # configure TinyCore backup/restore mechanism
Insert mode: i
Replace content with this
opt/.filetool.lst home/tc/.i3/config home/tc/.xsession home/tc/.mozilla
Write, quit: [Esc]:wq
sudo -b # backup configuration files to mydata.tgz sudo reboot
Check whether Firefox appears maximized, no borders, no title bar, no desktop bar, always restarting when closed
Customize Firefox
Go to the Firefox window in the VM
Open "Menu -> Preferences -> General"
Unset "Always check if Firefox is your default browser"
Go to "Home"
Set "Homepage and new windos" to "Custom URLs" and the URL to ""
Set "New Tabs" to "Firefox Home"
Remove all unnecesary items around the Firefox address bar (right-click on item and select "Remove from Toolbar")
[Right-Control]+[F1] # switch to shell pkill browser # stop browser script [Right-Control]+[F2] # switch back to Firefox
Close all tabs so Firefox closes
[Right-Control]+[F1] # switch to shell cd /home/tc/.mozilla/firefox/<SOME_CHARS>.default-release # go to Firefox profile dir mkdir chrome sudo vi chrome/userChrome.css
Insert mode: i
Insert this (disables Firefox tab bar)
#TabsToolbar { visibility: collapse !important; }
Write, quit: [Esc]:wq
sudo -b # back-up Firefox configuration sudo reboot
Check whether Firefox appears with the desired configuration and without a tab bar
Make VM resizable
Prepare original VM
[Right-Control]+[F1] # switch to shell pkill Xorg # stop xorg, i3, Firefox tce-load -wi openssh # we need the 'scp' command
Install graphics-4.19.10-tinycore.tcz using the method we used for xorg-7.7 (this installs DRM required by vboxvideo)
vi /home/tc/.xsession add this
Insert mode: i
Append this at the end
setxkbmap -layout "de" -variant "nodeadkeys"' # set your keyboard layout here VBoxClient --display # starts vbox display client for VM resizing exec i3 # execute i3 explicitely
Write and quit: [Esc]:wq -b # backup xorg configuration sudo halt
Go to the VirtualBox window
Close the VM (switch off)
Build and archive guest additions in second VM
You may skip this step if you already have the guest-additions extension-files. (can be downloaded:
Clone VM (the second VM is only for creating a guest additions extension without polluting the first VM and can be thrown away afterwards)
Insert VBoxGuestAdditions_6.0.4.iso into disk drive of second VM
Set ram of second VM to 2G
Start second VM
Go to window of second VM
[Right-Control]+[F1] # switch to shell pkill Xorg # stop xorg, i3, Firefox tce-load -wi linux-kernel-sources-env # install Linux kernel sources mount /mnt/sr0 # remember a time from before building guest additions sudo touch /tmp/mark sudo /mnt/sr0/ # build guest additions # write list of files created by the guest additions find /opt /sbin /usr /lib /etc -cnewer /tmp/mark -not -type d > /tmp/files
You can now check whether resizing works by executing startx
sudo tar -T /tmp/files -czvf /mnt/sda1/vboxga604.tar.gz # archive all files of the list scp /mnt/sda1/vboxga604.tar.gz <HOST_USER>@<HOST_IP>:/tmp/ # send archive from VM to host sudo halt
Go to the VirtualBox window
Close second VM (switch off)
Create guest additions extension from archive
You may skip this step if you already have the guest-additions extension-file.
Go to the shell of your host
mkdir /tmp/vboxga604 cd /tmp/vboxga604 tar -xf /tmp/vboxga604.tar.gz cd /tmp mksquashfs vboxga604/ ~/vboxga604.tcz cd ~ md5sum vboxga604.tcz > vboxga604.tcz.md5.txt
Install guest additions extension
Go to the VirtualBox window
Start first VM
Go to window of first VM
[Right-Control]+[F1] # switch to shell pkill Xorg # stop xorg, i3, Firefox scp <HOST_USER>@<HOST_IP>:/tmp/vboxga604.tcz* \ # send extension from host to VM /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/ rm -f /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/openssh* # uninstall openSSH vi /mnt/sda1/tce/onboot.lst # install guest additions extension
Insert mode: i
Replace 'openssh.tcz' with vboxga604.tcz
Write quit: [Esc]:wq
sudo reboot
Check whether VM is resizable